Mar 9 2008


Today in church Gentry drew a picture of me and then quickly erased it. This is a picture of jj, they do look awfully similar. The hair that stands up. The long skinny body. That is definitely jj.

Feb 28 2008

and here is where I swallow my humble pill

Today we had a new friend come over to play because the regular was not home, you know who you are.

Gentry and friend (I had two man cubs in the house) were so loud and wild. I was amazed. Gentry was good, for a while and then towards the end he turned into… Well a gelatinous ball of tears and stubborn buggers. He would not share. He would lay on his toys so the friend could not play with them. He was just a little meanie.

I started to threaten him that he needed to share or his friend was going to have to go home. The friend, not wanting to go home, started giving more toys to Gentry. He was bringing his sacrifice to the altar and the Gentry from on high was not happy with the offering.

To bad for Gentry the master of the house was not up for dealing with it. I slapped a pull-up on his little bottom and put him in bed.

Now I must go and shower and wash the grime off my body. I don’t want these ladies to throw up this evening from the lovely waftings of B.O. and buggers and tears.

Jan 17 2008

gentry discovers photobooth

Jan 1 2008

happy new year


my resolutions
:: open an etsy shop / use my gocco machine ::
:: keep exercising ::
:: get over my fear of being pregnant ::
:: do a homemade Christmas and start now so that I am not frantic at the end ::
:: figure out a way to keep the the little guy happy, the check book balanced and toilets clean ::

Dec 13 2007

Does anyone need a semi-used three year old?

Can sing alphabet. Can put puzzles together. Knows the letters H, T, A. Eats very little food. Can entertain himself for quite long stretches of time. Nearly potty trained.

Oh, nevermind.

I like him (most of the time).

Dec 12 2007

just another day + nothing out of the ordinary

Today there was head butting of neighbors, kicking of care givers, and yelling of semi-obscenities to all surrounding parties.

Also, lots and lots of chocolate.

It was a good day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Dec 5 2007

recent conversations with the live in toddler

g – Mom, Dad is married to Giselle.
m – Oh. Who am I married to than?
g – You are married to me.

m – Gentry, we are going to go and see Santa at the gym (community center) tonight!
g – Oh! is he exercising?

On the day of mass expulsion when my mom came over.
m – Gentry, who is at the door?
g – SANTA!

m – This is Mary and Baby Jesus and his dad Joseph.
g – No, this is Mary and Baby Joseph and his dad Joseph Smith.

g – Mom, I am a big guy with little hands. Can you open the dvd for me?

g- Dad, you are my bestest friend.
He then laid his head on jj’s shoulder.

Nov 25 2007

gentry’s favorite video on youtube

Nov 15 2007

birthday numero tres

hold on tight
You amaze me everyday.

You informed me yesterday that cutie oranges are delicious. You actually said that.

You also ripped the head off a dinosaur in the library book. I told you when we got home you would get a time out for being so naughty. When we got home you went and sat in timeout without me even reminding you.

You hold my hand lately. Your little fingers wrapped around one of mine, it makes my heart jump. I would walk to the end of the world like that. You also like to hold my hand when we are in the car. So I hold one of your legs while your toys use it as a hill to jump off or as a spider to jump on. Once in a while you will put your hand on mine and pat it or just rest it on mine. It is such a simple movement.

I cannot imagine life without you.

You have made me.
happy birthday!

Nov 14 2007


I have never talked to Gentry about shots before. I just don’t bring it up and by not addressing this, I assume that he is not out shooting heroine. I also assume that he not going and getting immunizations when I have my eyes closed.

A couple days ago he had his three year check up and we discussed all my concerns. By all my concerns I mean, my concerns. I managed to squeeze in some questions about Gentry so I didn’t sound completely self-centered. But lets get this straight. Gentry is concerned with Spiderman, becoming Spiderman and cookies. I, however, have concerns of my own. About my life and the amount of crap I let in. So I had some concerns worth discussing. The doctor said to follow my heart, and I am. I feel good about my decisions.

After the discussion, the nurse walked in and said, “Time for a shot!” Like it was now time to pull a chocolate coated Spiderman with nougat center from her hat. Like, are you ready for the happiest time of your young life? Gentry was not fooled and proceeded to climb the walls, shrieking-and-cavorting-Spiderman-style. He has never been so scared in his life and I don’t know who told him that shots were near death and that the Green Goblin was actually going to come and pull his head off and throw it into a burning building. But lets just say the tantrum that followed was incredible. Spectacular. An A++ as far as tantrums go.

I bribed him with french fries and tried to distract him with a book that was not about Spiderman. He was still not fooled.

He was so upset about being poked by the nurse he would not let me put his pants back on. He then proceeded to inform me that he is no longer in need a mother. I had turned on him and let someone poke him with a needle. For obvious reasons, he thought he could so a much better job that I do.

As we were driving home, I told him that Peter Parker got poked by a spider and it turned him into Spiderman. I could hear the little hampsters in his mind churning. I told him that sometimes we have to get shots so that we can be strong like Spiderman.

Today, he told me that he got poked like Spiderman. I think he is expecting the change any minute now.