and here is where I swallow my humble pill

Today we had a new friend come over to play because the regular was not home, you know who you are.

Gentry and friend (I had two man cubs in the house) were so loud and wild. I was amazed. Gentry was good, for a while and then towards the end he turned into… Well a gelatinous ball of tears and stubborn buggers. He would not share. He would lay on his toys so the friend could not play with them. He was just a little meanie.

I started to threaten him that he needed to share or his friend was going to have to go home. The friend, not wanting to go home, started giving more toys to Gentry. He was bringing his sacrifice to the altar and the Gentry from on high was not happy with the offering.

To bad for Gentry the master of the house was not up for dealing with it. I slapped a pull-up on his little bottom and put him in bed.

Now I must go and shower and wash the grime off my body. I don’t want these ladies to throw up this evening from the lovely waftings of B.O. and buggers and tears.

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