:: sweet hard working jj ::

:: kids who always love their moms ::

:: sweet baby smiles ::

:: gentry loving things Grandpa Bill made for me ::
:: caring and patient doctors ::
:: sweet visiting teachers ::
:: $4 prescriptions from Target ::
:: clearance clothes from Target ::
:: Target ::
:: oh shoot :: I have a bit of an addiction ::
:: apple cider ::
:: 30 Rock ::
:: trying to find a new happy thought :: what should it be :: disneyland :: spring :: gardens :: a new piano :: all of the above ::
:: netflix instant play ::
1 comment | posted in Fuzzy, I love, One Day, Squishy, Wee Girl
My sisters told me yesterday that I needed to start blogging again. There are only like two times in the day, ok, three that I have time to myself anymore. Going potty, nursing, and showering. I can do stuff one handed while nursing. It is just a lot slower. Guess which one I am doing now. Ha ha. That is a fun game.
Things are going pretty well with two kids. Gentry has gotten really good at programming the tv to do what he needs it to do. He can turn on the Wii or a movie. And he has gotten really good at the Wii games. Is that something to be proud of? He was going to learn sometime. Now the all powerful threat is that if he doesn’t listen I am going to turn off the Wii. It has happened a few times. Beware the mean mommie.

The baby yells at me all the time. Especially while eating. She will pop off and scream, scream, scream. I will force her back on and she will begrudgingly reattach. And then pop off to whine just a little more. And then once more. And one more time for good measure. I think we are on track for some great drama and debates. My mom and I can both imagine her at about 5 with her hand on her hip, telling me how to run the house.
Gentry loves her so much. He wants to hold her all the time and if I have not let him hold her in the day he will get really sad and cry. I have taught him to see if she is hungry by rubbing her cheek and see if she wants to suck. He loves to let her suck his fingers and I let him do it as long as they are clean.

JJ and Gentry went to buy me and her presents for Christmas. I talked to Gentry about what he was going to get her before they left. He said he wanted to get her a really pretty blanket. He came home with a knit purple and white blanket. It is so sweet.
I am really impressed with the way that Gentry is handling this. There have been a few bumps in the road. But he has always been good for me and been good at home. He likes to choose the clothes that she wears and he helps me bath her in the mornings. He gets to wipe her legs and arms.

The other day I took a nap with her on my chest. When I woke up he asked if she could lay on his chest. His chest is a lot smaller than mine. So she kept rolling off. But they were so sweet together. I am so excited for when she sees and responds to us. I think she is going to love Gentry. I know he loves her.
4 comments | posted in Fuzzy, One Day, Squishy, Wee Girl