
These tips are a bit depressing because all my favorite foods are made by Satan and shipped from Hell itself. Entemanns donuts. I miss you already.

Day 15: Go for smaller portions. Reducing overall body fat helps the body release stored toxins.

Day 16: Eat at home. What do fast-food restaurants and the processed foods we buy at the supermarket have in common? They all contain added chemicals to preserve the food, enhance its flavor, and make it look better. All the more reason to save some dough and pack a lunch.

Day 17: Become aware of the foods you consume. Begin eating organic produce that is free of pesticides and herbicides-the cost is not much different. If you can’t get organic, make sure you wash all your vegetables with natural cleaning solutions and peel your fruit.

Day 18: If you are going to eat meat, begin shifting to organically grown meat free of hormones and chemical additives. Be aware of the fish you consume and stay away from farm-raised salmon that have high PCB counts.

Day 19: Avoid the following: alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, hot chocolate, refined carbohydrates (found in cakes, cookies, muffins, doughnuts, and ice cream), sugar, chemical additives, preservatives, processed meats, fried foods, trans fats, and artificial sweeteners, dyes, colors and flavors. (Um, what is there that is left to eat?)

Day 20: Trans fat is by far the worst type of fat. Read labels and rid your fridge and pantry of trans fat-containing vegetable shortening, margarine, salad dressings, cakes, doughnuts, microwave popcorn, cookies, french fries, chips, and snack crackers. Start using healthful fats instead, such as coconut oil for cooking and olive oil for salads.

Day 21: Dietary fiber is critical for binding toxin-laden bile and carrying it out of the body. Add more fiber to your diet. Try oats, barley, legumes, fruits, vegetables, wheat, bran, and whole grains.

One Response to “15-21”

  • Kateka Says:

    I love coconut oil. I bought this huge tub of it like 1.5 years ago. I use it in food, I’ve used it on my face, etc. etc.

    Do tell how these changed have helped you.

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