updated list

Between bouts of dire tiredness, I have had so much energy. I am either super high or lying on the floor willing food to get into my mouth and give me some energy. In the past three weeks, I feel like I have accomplished a ton. The updated list is below, and if I could cross off things half way a bunch of these would be nearly completed as well.

I even went to the doctor the other day and we decided on a day for the c-section. Things are really moving along. Except for the part that I feel like this is never actually going to happen.

JJ is being very sweet and sleeping on the couch so that I can toss and turn all night. Or watch movies back to back at 3 in the morning. He is also working very hard to get all of the things on the list crossed off. He even came home from work one day for lunch so that I could take a nap without Gentry talking to me every 5 minutes.

P.S. I love the paint color and bedding so much. We are in love. We are lovers. Forgive the quality of the photo, it was taken at night with my phone.

The list:
1- Decide on a name. We might be close. I really believe in seeing the baby before you decide, got to make sure she looks like her name.
2- Rearrange my room.
3- Organize my room. Very close, just need to figure out what to do with the piles of paper.
4- Clean carpets. Done everywhere except my room and the hall.
5- Get office out of her room and put in my room.
6- Clean out under my bed.
7- Paint her room Silver Screen from Behr.
8- Organize her clothes. Girl clothes are so different from boy clothes. Bloomers? Tights? What the heck?
9- Finish the quilt for her. My mom has taken over for me, this has been a lesson in frustration. I have sewed it halfway, twice. And unpicked it that many times as well. She is so sweet to do that for me.
10- Remove Gentryโ€™s curtains from her room and put up in his room.
11- Get down there professionally waxed. I talked to the doctor about this. I don’t need to get EVERYTHING removed, just the top portion. I think JJ can take care of that for me. Is that to much information? He does a good job, I think. I can’t really see it anymore.
12- Create some art to hang in her room.
13- Get all Christmas shopping done, especially for Gentry. We have some. For you and you and you. Gentry is going to love what he is getting. I am so excited to give it to him.
14- Buy a crib bumper without airplanes on it.
15- Put up the Christmas tree early in November. Can’t do that yet, but Halloween is up and frighteningly tasty.

4 Responses to “updated list”

  • RubyVillain Says:

    Holy crap, you are going to have a little baby girl so soon. There is always a moment when it hits, this is real, baby is going to be here! So excited for you!

  • lorijacobson Says:

    Holy moly. I am SO impressed. Nesting has hit me but I can’t seem to muster enough energy to do anything about it. I seem to be swimming in the everyday and I am NOT ready to welcome our babe. I need to get busy!!!! Thank you for inspiring me. I am going to try harder. Perhaps instead of tossing and turning all night I’ll just get up and clean. Uninterrupted. Do we think this will work? Grrr. Where do you get your energy?!?! Nice work. Love the bumper.

  • bankg3 Says:

    I’m having a hard time talking Aubrey into waiting till December to put up christmas decorations, but if you do in November then I will have no hope ๐Ÿ˜› Oh well, I like christmas decorations, I’m just working about little hands pulling on everything ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kateka Says:

    I haven’t waxed down there in like over a year, but my last esthetician was Stu. Boys do a good job. I think its cause they don’t care about the pain and realize how cool and easy it is to rip the hair. I am excited for Baby Girl. I am bummed I can’t see you/her in the hospital. Like majorly bummed.

    Everyone at work tells me I look/sound like you. ๐Ÿ™‚

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