oh gross

Gentry grosses me out lately. Seriously.

We gave up on bed wetting. By we, I mean I let JJ stop waking up every 3 hours to change the bedding. Seriously. It just got old and Gentry does not care. Gentry is back in night time diapers. Today when I went to get it off of him, he said, “Wait I want to get the rest of the pee out of me.”




I am not touching that you little dirty pig. I made him take it off and put it downstairs in the kitchen garbage. To me, I am thinking, if you can put on your own diaper. You are possibly to old for them, but he is a stubborn little thing and will not stop peeing. Ever. Ever. Ever. And the stench of his pee kissed skin makes me want to vomit. I won’t indulge you. But he has to bath every morning to get rid of it.

Later today, we went to our garden plot so I could plant a few things. He had a friend there with him and they were making a lovely mud mess. Washing their hands in the water and then LICKING THE REST OF THE DIRT OFF HIS HANDS! I am not kidding. I mean, we are at a community garden filled with manure, and fertilizer and who knows what else. Gross. Throughout the course of this he got muddy feet and shoes and made me spray them off.

After the garden adventure, I changed his mud soaked clothing and we went to the library. On the way I turned around to witness, to my horror, Gentry with his big toe in his mouth.

I will leave it at that.

Than! At the library he needed a drink from the drinking fountain. I looked away for a second and when I looked back, he had his mouth attached to the water shooting thing. You know, the thing encrusted in minerals, slime, germs and pig flu.

How do I accept kisses from this kid? I keep telling him he is going to get scurvy or cancer or worse. He just does not care.

I need to go dry heave in the bathroom for a minute.

2 Responses to “oh gross”

  • cjeppson Says:

    I am sorry to laugh…but I think a lot of this is just little kid behavior. They have to taste mud, (we loved the taste of dirt off a car), they have to suck out of the drinking fountain spiggot, and sometimes they just do weird things to get the attention of mom (like taste their toes). He doesn’t understand germs. He doesn’t understand manure in the garden. Thank goodness that most of what he does, he has good enough immunities for. About kissing you, well that is a different story. No kisses until you wash your face. And seriously, some kids just take longer with bed wetting than others. Also, I think you know that your sense of smell is heightenened so everything is going to make you crazy at this point. You are a good mommie, and he is a darling boy, that will eventually stop sucking his toes, peeing the bed, and licking mud.

  • Kateka Says:

    Ha, ha. Amen to Mom’s comment.

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