Katie, JJ’s sister, drew this for us when I was pregnant with Gentry. Probably early 2004. She was 11 or 12. I found it a few days ago because I have been digging through boxes and boxes of pictures and mementos from my earlier year. I thought it was sweet, except for the part where she is insinuating that I am some sort of chocolate piggy? Where would she get such an idea? Can you see how she accurately depicted my leopard print slippers? That is because we were living in Logan at the time and it is freezing all year long. I mean it heats up in July and is back to freezing in like mid-August. So you have to stay bundled up or you will surely die. Notice that JJ is wearing shorts. Yeah. He did that until we had Gentry and I told him he could not be a bad example of what to wear. I did not want my toddler thinking shorts were fine when it was -20 out and so JJ had to quit. Also, he was probably playing Russian Roulette with the cold.

See if you can catch me you cold beast! You will never get me!

I eventually got him though.

One Response to “”

  • Kateka Says:

    Ha, ha, ha!! I love the comment cloud next to you. JJ is obviously in love with you and you are in love with brownies. “Brownies! Give me the Brownies!” So awesome.

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