email address

My mom told me I should lay off the whole pumpkin seeds or I might pass a pinecone fence. I think this is a true principle and will apply it to my life.

Also, I am adding my email to the side bar. Here are the rules on that:

1) I don’t want unsolicited stuff. Seriously. Just because it is over there does not mean I want daily updates on the cutest dog on the interweb. Or how horrible Barack Hussien Obama is. Or how your cousin got high on a bottle of air. Or why mothers are the best. Also, I don’t need Viagra. I swear I will send you an email that says UNSUBSCRIBE.

2) If you send me mean and nasty emails, which I do receive, I reserve the right to use them as content for my blog. I have a folder full of them. They are precious. I should share. Really.

3) Um, I deleted this one. Just don’t be a jerk.

4) If however, you would like to send me stuff that you think I really would like to hear about go ahead. Here are things I like: gardening, healthy eating, exercise, learning patience, you probably know already. If you read the blog, I think I am fairly easy to read.

5) If you would like me to practice taking pictures of your kids, I would do it. For a small fee. Cause I am new to this and need to get comfortable being bossy with other people besides JJ and Gentry.

6) I design marketing materials. I could do that for you. For a fee. I am good though, real good. Or if you want consulting, I do that too.

One Response to “email address”

  • Jaime Says:

    How about you make a display for engagement designs and photos I can put in the store so I can show someone why I’m recommending you?

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