Mart of Shame

Blogging from the bathroom as you can see by the row of bath products behind me. Not doing anything I cannot talk about though. Somedays the bathroom is the only place I can escape, not that today was one of those days. Today was good.

We made a couple of ghouls as mentioned previously, Gentry crushed one and decided I deserved the lesser of the two. As usual.

We also went to the library. We do this every week, it is nice to get out and not spend the moneys but get to come home with a bag full of lovelies. I LURV the library. We even attend library events, which draws quite the crowd. Crowds are not my favorite, especially at Wal-mart which I have not been to in a long time. Like nearing two years I bet. Take that you big man eating machine.

I was at Wal-mart one time and saw a customer spit on a worker. On purpose. I swear. It was a big brawl in the parking lot and scared me even though I was not even that close. But I started to think about the car bomb he had that he was going to use as I drove by and you know, the usual death threat type stuff.

Also, one time at Wal-mart, this was pretty close to the end of our relationship, I was trying to get some things for my sisters birthday party. There were a lot of people there because it was a Saturday night and I seriously had thoughts similar to, if not exactly like the following, “Get out of my way before I ram my cart into you.” Except in my head it was a lot meaner. So say it again, mean. Give it to me like you mean it. I figured after that Wal-mart and I needed to end our sordid affair, and I did.

Crowds and I just don’t really get along. Ever. I get bristly and start elbowing people, or thinking about it anyway.

A little bit of rage in here I bet.

4 Responses to “Mart of Shame”

  • Sunshine Says:

    The mart gives me bad rage. I hate humans and America after going there. I would LOVE to be at about the 2 year mark like you are. Sigh.

  • Tazia Says:

    You’re so funny. I am like this as well. And when I am with AJ I start to get mean to him when we are in crowds. I give everyone I pass the stink eye and pretty much want to smash anybody that gets to close for comfort, which for me is in the same aisle. I really need some therapy or something. “Hell is other people.”

  • Natalie Says:

    WalMart=itchy eyes. I’m allergic to that bad place.

  • Kakes Says:

    One time I was at Wal-Mart picking up a prescription (which by the way was around 2 pm – horrid time to go because that is when the old geezers go, so not only is it crowded but everyone is slow and thinks they deserve something). As I was waiting in line for a good 15 minutes, the pharmacist and the customer got into a cussing war and I could not believe that the employee was screaming things like, “You think I am giving YOU Sh!tty (it’s not a swear word when I use the ! as an i) Service! You are AWFUL!!!” I was stunned and a little afraid that they might actually rip each others heads off.

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