musings of a soccer mom

So, Gentry has been on a soccer team for about a month. He is three, so I was not really expecting much. Good thing, because although he is darling and the moral builder for the team, he never scored a goal and he kicked the ball about once per game. I don’t really care though. He was the boy who would go and give hugs to the other players and make sure they were ok when they fell down. When someone would get a goal, he would start yelling and giving high fives. Really, I think he did a perfect job and I am so proud that he was such a good team player.

The thing is, some of those parents were crazy. And if you read this and are offended, do not even think that I care. Becuase, um, hello, our kids are three and they just don’t get it yet.

So, can I just say, crazy sports parents kept me up last night with fret and I don’t know if we want to keep playing sports if all parents are jerks like that.

Um, do any of you have experience with this? Because I seriously don’t get it.

3 Responses to “musings of a soccer mom”

  • Harried Mom Says:

    Believe it or not I even see this to some extent with Bailey’s Irish Dance class. I love my daughter but I don’t fawn over her with oodles of compliments over and over again. I have even had the displeasure to witness a mother berate her 5 year old for being off beat with her dance. What does make me happy is the owner and her assistant instructor do not put up with that type of behavior. Thank goodness. My theory is to ignore the wacko parents and applaud my daughter for trying and being a good sport.

  • Tazia Says:

    Not that I have had experience with this before but I always saw parents like this at Joe’s and Meg’s soccer games and they seriously get crazy competitive. I heard that in some cases it is just the parents trying to live through their children and they want them to do everything perfect. But if they are that crazy I don’t think I would keep Gentry in there either because I would die if they repremended him for not being the perfect player I might have to punch them in the throat.

  • Erin Says:

    This is my worst fear about kids playing sports. It’s so not fun for them if they see the parents yelling and screaming and getting upset. I can totally see some of the parents on Gentry’s team being like that. I’m glad he’s having fun.

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