I am… timid.

I miss… college and learning.

I think… Hawaii or Italy would be nice places to live.

I know… love.

I want… to be debt free.

I have… no sense of sarcasm. I always think you’re being serious. (I am stealing this from Sarah, because I do the same thing.)

I search… or rather research like crazy. I would rather research than actually do anything about what I am researching. Examples: Decorating, WWII(there really is not much I could do about that), Business, Fitness and Good Dieting, Knitting and Crochet, Finance, Parenting, Gardening, Zeroscaping, Organic Gardening and Yard care. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I wish… Hillary Clinton was still in the race.

I hate… arrogance and ignorance.

I am… not afraid of a conflict.

I fear… water. Large bodies and small bodies. Even if there is really nothing to fear. I freak out. Swimming pools are alright.

I always…

I love… cuddling between getting up and hitting snooze a few times.

I feel… good about the decisions I make. I may take awhile, and it may not make sense to you, but I am confident in my decisions.

I hear… airplanes flying over head, the hum of my laptop. Silence.

I smell… liquid bandaid.

I don’t… want to influence Gentry poorly.

I wonder… what happened to JFK? What happened to Britney? What about Amy Winehouse? How God made our world/evolution happen? When our country will be self-sufficient? What can I do about it? What this change is that I feel fast approaching?

I care… about who the next president will be. About being dependent on other countries for our oil. About high fructose corn syrup in everything. About getting some food storage in the basement. About being about to pay for the new car. About Gentry growing up to be a good and contributing member of society.

I regret… not pursuing art as a child. I was discouraged all along the way, by guess who. I found my way anyway.

I am… strong.

I believe… everyone deserves to be happy, but not at the expense of others. Happiness must come from within.

I dance… in the kitchen, in the evening while making dinner, with JJ and Gentry.

I sing… about kissing girls. 🙂

I write… very impersonally here. I keep my private thoughts to myself now.

I win… at holding my breath underwater. I could be an alligator.

I lose… everything. I call JJ all day asking where things are.

I never… have seen any Batman movies. Sorry Jimmy.

I listen… when others speak.

I can… take forever making decisions about cheap rice or nice rice in the grocery store.

I read… everything. I wish I had more time.

I am… figuring out me.

You can participate as well. I tag Kirsten, Tazia, Kateka and Aubrey J.

2 Responses to “”

  • **tif** Says:

    I understand you writing impersonally here. I do the same sometimes but then other times I don’t care because I want to be able to share my feelings no matter what. I think you seem very open here and I love getting to know you because of it! I have noticed your house is much more decorated than my own so the research must be paying off at least a little.

  • Natalie Says:

    No batman movies? You are deprived.

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