evolution of a slug

The house is a mess and I have NO energy.

This afternoon I had plans to contribute to the lets clean up this dump fund. Instead, I could not keep my eyes open and so I slept/watched Batman with Gentry and squeezed his hand during the scary parts. See what I good mom I am. Two-face may cause nightmares, but I am right there watching you freak out, darling.

We have no food, so as a bonus to our trip, we continue to eat out but my outfits get increasingly less fantastic. I am pretty much to the point where I can no longer go out in public. I am typing to you from the warm confines of sweat pants, t-shirt and slippers. Hello hottness! If I were to leave, I would absolutely put on a bra, and that would fix things right up. Welcome to my world and instead of figuring out lunch, my mom brought us Wendy’s. She is the best. For real.

For dinner, we may just have air and hopefully there is some year old ice cream we can chip out of the freezer. Good thing I have a bit of food storage, because a bucket of wheat would fix this situation right up. Seriously though. I need to get some stuff done. I need to get back on my I-do-stuff-around-here cart. Also, staying up until one does wonder for a girls sleeping habits. I have got to get things back together.

Am I just a little black rain cloud? Hovering over the hunny tree! By hunny, I mean, hot damn. Did you see her butt? I wish it was mine.

Also, one time my roommate Lori (Hi Lori, you are the best) put a slug in a plastic baggy with salt and I have never seen something so…I don’t even know who to describe it. Don’t do it though. Yuck.

4 Responses to “evolution of a slug”

  • Joni Says:

    Your post seriously made me laugh.

  • Sunshine Says:

    Makayla! You have just described my entire emotional state. I am emotionally braless and be-slippered and without clean stuff to wear and living off of arby’s drive-thru and starbucks drive-thru. I should lose my job because I did about 3-4 hours worth of work today, and spent the other half re-reading the same emails over and over not able to focus on them.

    Why is it comforting to know you have no energy either? I feel for you, but hope you know you are not weird or alone!

  • Tauni Says:

    What a GREAT mom to bring you lunch. What you think is a bad day, I am sure your little one will remember as the cool day mom just sat and watched movies with me.

    Enjoyed finding and reading your blog!

  • **tif** Says:

    That’s me in a nutshell. I can’t break my blog-obsessed habits at night or during the day and I’m up until ridiculous hours. I’m fed up with it! I am lucky to get a shower most days. I am so glad you are honest. I learn a lot of things from other blogs but I feel like a human when I read yours! And the slug thing is something I promise never to try!

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