the search is on

Test driving cars is fun.

I feel like I am dating again, not the cars, but the dealers.

They want me to want them, bad. Desperately searching for things we have in common and ways to impress me. ie: I played ball for Urban Myer.

Wow. What kind of ball would that be? Cause I don’t care about sports and neither does JJ. Also, partying is not what I did in college, nor was it my goal. What was your goal in college?

And Gentry is hungry, which is code for, “My timer has gone off, time to get the heck out of here.” Not, “Please bring my son a box (A BOX) of fruit snacks before dinner.” I am not going to be happy with you. Are you trying to poison him with high fructose corn syrup? Why don’t you you bring it in a BPA plastic bottle you just warmed in the microwave.

And yes, I want to test drive a Prius. Just because you are pretending the only one in your lot is sold does not mean I am going to resort to something else. I can find them elsewhere.

We will not be going on a second date. He wanted to make a home run and I was only willing to go to first base. Does that mean there was necking and petting?

One Response to “the search is on”

  • Trisha Says:

    Hahahahaha…I so know. I hate some of the lamo things that car dealer guys do. We once got a thing in the mail that if we test drove a specific model we would get a $50 gift card so we went showed them the card and requested said odel. They tried a number of things to try to get us to try other models. No thank you. Said model only. They did not like post card. *shrug shoulders* He finally resigned himself that we weren’t even in the market for a purchase, we just wanted the gift card. (Darn me for being honest) and we finally got to drive the car, which was quite plush.

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