Yesterday was so frustrating at church. As mentioned previously JJ and I teach the 14-18 year old Sunday School class. Now I know these are good kids. No one is pregnant or doing drugs, to my knowledge. (Now as I re-read that I don’t really think that doing those things makes them bad kids. Even if they were doing those things I would still love them and feel compassion for them.) But they were so disrespectful to JJ yesterday as he taught the lesson.

Apparently I am not the only one as Kateka (my sister) seems to have had the same experience yesterday in her class. I was a little hesitant to post about this, because I know that some of my students mothers read this blog.

We may have started out on a bad note as two of the kids were sitting on the floor even though there were empty seats. I should have invited them to sit in chairs. Floor sitting does not excuse bad behavior though.

They would not be quiet. They were throwing trash and wrappers and gum. They were pushing the wall/curtain at the other class. When I told them to stop, they were like, “What that wasn’t me?” And I was all, “I just watched you do it!” I separated the two major offenders and this really just made things worse as they were now across the room from each other and just yelling at each other. Which lets be honest, yelling over the teacher really invites the spirits and helps other who are trying to listen focus.

As JJ was wrapping up, he tried and tried to get their attention, and thy just would not be quiet. I was so pissed at the end. I got up and went and found one mother and told her and than a member of the bishopric. When I got home I called the other offenders mother.

Now I know that kids will be kids, but this was way out of control and they would not calm down. I have no problem with kids having fun. But the thing is if you are coming to class to be disruptive, just don’t come. It is disrespectful to the teacher who spent a lot of time preparing to try to teach them. And it is disrespectful to Heavenly Father.

It really hurt my feelings that the acted like this and I think the reason why is that I am so disappointed in them.

Next week I am going to start the lesson with a mini lesson on R-E-S-P-E-C-T. And the consequences of their actions when they are disrespectful to JJ and I and to their peers. Things are going to change.

Also, I think I am going to invite them to write a thank you/apology to JJ.

3 Responses to “R-E-S-P-E-C-T”

  • Tazia Says:

    It is so weird hearing things from the other end. I remember being disruptive in some of my sunday school classes and I never realized what it was like on the other end for the teacher. I wish sometimes that I could go back to those teachers and apologize for the little brat that I was. I think that is awesome that you went and told the mom and the bishopric, I hope they shape up and grow up a little bit.

  • Kakes Says:

    I like your ideas. Stu’s mom said I should make them prepare lessons, and I would maybe do that, but I can see them NOT preparing and just letting each other talk and learn jack squat. I think it may be more intimidating to have the bishopric stting in their too, lucky for me, I teach the bisop’s daughters, the stake president’s son, the relief society pres’s son, etc so that is like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. It certainly will make me be better prepared too because I don’t want to seem like I don’t know what I am talking about.

    I think also the next time I teach I am going to get their input and tell them that I think this is important, and while I want this to be fun, I want them to learn something, and ask them what they think should happen when they are being rude. If they give me ridiculous answers like, “Take us for ice cream!!” Then I will just tell them that parents/bishopric, etc will be babysitting the class when they are inappropriate (for heavens sake, I had a kid text messaging last week during class).

  • Harlene Says:

    I can so relate to teens not paying attention! I’m sorry he brought FHE to church with him.:)

    Thank you for the time you both put into this class, it may not show, but it does make a difference in the big picture.

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