why I cannot be a kind and loving god.

So I am sitting here 2 hours before church starts reading blogs and looking for other versions of the lesson I can just copy and not put thought into. Thank you Google.

The thing is, who puts their Sunday School lessons on the interweb for others to “borrow?” Only the nerdiest, nerds. Yes that is a judgment. I imagine these guys are so holy I would not even be allowed to attend their lessons while they teach with bow ties and parted hair. And than their nerd friends leave comments like the following:

Given that the story of Alma and the Zoramite poor in effect forms a bridge which facilitates their crossing over from being members of a heterodox to a more authentic form of “Nephite” society in Jershon one can question the breadth of Dan Vogel’s interpretative brush. There is no hint of a rejection of organised religion – Alma was the head of both church and state at one point, and you can’t get much more organised than that without a Franklin diary! Rather Alexander Campbell’s interpretation seems closer to the mark, and for my own part have long recognised the very Anglican “liturgical tone” of the passage in Alma 31. If you don’t believe me just try reciting it in your best Rowan Atkinson-style vicar’s voice!

I had skimmed through this guys lesson and read this comment. Um. Yes. I will not be copying that lesson. Cause I am cool and I teach a roomful of teenagers, which is not unlike teaching a roomful of chickens and roosters, all fighting for attention of the other. In fact if we put the razors on their feet I am pretty sure of the outcome.

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