100 Things

I’ve found that a few people have, on their 100th blog, post 100 random things about themselves and their life. I found them rather interesting, and decided to do it as well. But, sad day, I’ve passed my 100th blog and in fact this blog post is about 515, not including the ones I deleted because they were to mean or snarky to be seen by the people I wrote them about. Yeah, I am bright. And yes I am that awful, I was working through some crap and by crap I mean, it was/is a mountain of horrible crap. And my bishops wife reads this and I just cannot bring myself to type the word, but I thought it.

So in honor of post 500 I will be doing 500/5=100 things about Makayla Christine Jeppson Robinson

1) I have a BFA in Graphic Design.
2) I will not eat barbecue sauce willingly.
3) I was homeless for 2 months while going to college.
4) I have lived in Magna, the water killed my fish. No joke.
5) I was once in a band called, “Makayla & the boys.”
6) I would bath everyday if it was not so time consuming.
7) Am a True Aggie. But not with jj.
8) I used to cry at the end of every episode of “Full House.”
9) My favorite books are The Red Tent, Maus, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
10) Have 2 sisters, 1 brother, 1 parent who stayed and 1 who quit.
11) Am super obsessed with zit picking.
12) Spent three summers dressed as a cowgirl to entertain European and Japanese tourists. Not that way.
13) I have played the piano, flute, and drums.
14) Want to be good.
15) Just ate peanut butter and chocolate chips for my afternoon snack.
16) I love sushi. Going for my birthday, without a broken arm and pain killer buzz this year.
17) I am still driving my first car.
18) I performed the ceremony for my sister to marry her sweet heart.
19) I am better at making friends now than I used to be.
20) Have repeating nightmares about Tabiona.
21) Have run 2 marathons.
22) Failed Accounting 2010 in college, on purpose.
23) Once threw my shoes at an ex after he broke up with me.
24) Hate applesauce.
25) Love sleeping with the winter windows open just a crack.
26) Am in love.
27) Worked at Priceline.com.
28) Once told a friend I needed to take off her pants in an elevator filled with people. I was wearing them, not her.
29) Am a bit too honest.
30) Almost killed a friend during a strange covered wagon accident.
31) Am a master champion of Clue. I will bring you down.
32) Once bounced a check on purpose so I could buy food. I was in college and knew the apples and yogurt would be worth it.
33) I wish my butt looked like Cameron Diaz butt.
34) One time got diarrhea on a date with jj and did not make it to the toilet. He is incredibly forgiving.
35) Wet the bed on my honeymoon. Again, jj is incredibly forgiving. I had a bladder infection and it was weird.
36) Was pissed at jj for getting up at 9 this morning. I am incredibly tolerant.
37) Once interviewed to be a model. I like food to much and am short.
38) Broke my arm last year in a freak dodge ball accident.
39) Have been working out consistently for 2 1/2 years straight.
40) Peanut butter and chocolate chips are my downfall.
41) Fell in love right after my freshman year of college. We never kissed or dated. We are still friends today.
42) My house is getting consistently cleaner by the year. Some year I may actually be on top of things.
43) Love the person I am today, strange butt and all.
44) Once worked at a foot doctors office. Had to label vials of bloody toe nails.
45) In college took a class on German Memorials to the Holocaust. Want to see them or the lack of them someday.
46) Daydreamer.
47) Am mean to people if they snore around me, even if I am awake.
48) My cousin was my best friend all growing up.
49) Had two really good friends in high school.
50) JJ is my best friend now, and sometimes I throw my food at him. What an honor.
51) I had a summer of broadway musicals. I checked them out from the video store and watched them non-stop.
52) Trust my dreams like they are a dear friend.
53) Things are going to get worse and than so much better.
54) Own personal least favorite feature- junk in the trunk.
55) Went to Day’s of ’47 parade and saw Thomas S. Monson. He looked like he had stepped right out of the ’50s.
56) Once drove to Alabama and back with my siblings and parents. 18 days in a van is fun.
57) Favorite color- white.
58) Diet Coke. My other true love.
59) I once sneezed a huge booger onto the floor in front of company.
60) I love my first year college roommates. They are the best.
61) I wish Gentry wasn’t so scared of everything.
62) Worked as a grocery store cashier.
63) Worked as a human resource manager for the computer labs at USU.
64) Am allergic to cats and spankings.
66) Won $50 at a Buzz game the other day.
67) I grew up at my cousins house. I know her neighbors better than any of my childhood neighbors.
68) Cannot dye my hair. Blond looks to fake and dark just doesn’t show up. Am thinking about extensions. Possibly pink or red.
69) Do not like dogs unless they act like cats.
70) Once watched a neighbor kill a rabbit for dinner.
71) Was scared spitless by a sheep caught in a fence.
72) I love the X-Men movies and am so excited about the Wolverine Movies.
73) Have skinny dipped. A lot.
74) Will not be friends with people who lie.
75) When I die, I want wings. I don’t care if angels are not supposed to have them. Also, I want to choose where I have body hair.
76) Love my first house.
77) Love soft squishy boy who will curl up with me.
78) Love my friends now.
79) Am so mouthy sometimes. I don’t know where Gentry gets it from.
80) Remember going to see Ghostbusters as a child at the drive in.
81) Remember riding in the back of the possibly red truck on the way to Idaho.
82) Remember painting on the side walk with fingernail polish as a child. My mom says I was 3.
83) JJ got a new swim suit today that I am not embarrassed to see him in.
84) We are close to being out of debt.
85) Wonder if when I die I will know who killed JFK. And lot of other mysteries.
86) I know the words to almost all John Denver songs.
87) When I die, I am going to Disneyland.
88) I read the short story that Brokeback Mountain was based on. I get it.
89) Wish people knew the strength that is in them. I wish the same for me.
90) Once pushed my brother into the corner of the wall. He had to get stitches.
91) Was married in the Logan Temple on a brisk December morning.
92) Had Hammer Pants.
93) Had braces in college.
94) Am on retainers 7 & 8.
95) Lived next door to one of my college boyfriends.
96) Have done design work for international companies. Who knew feet were so pornographic.
97) Played Sally Ride in an Elementary School Play.
98) Have learned I am good and deserve good in my life.
99) Once hit a kid in the head with my flute case.
100) Totaled the family van.
101) Look a bonus, thanks for reading. My life is better than I would have imagined possible.

6 Responses to “100 Things”

  • Joni Says:

    I love that you are so real. Your blog is one of my favorites to read. This particular one has got to be in my top ten posts. It’s fun to learn more about you! We must have been sisters in the zip popping world.

  • Sunshine Says:

    I LOVE your blog. You are one of the most dynamic people I have ever had the privelege to meet.

  • .::still blinking::. Says:

    Gosh guys. I am flattered.

  • Kakes Says:

    Oh my goodness. I have been working on one of these since I saw that I hit blog 70. I have about 6 more posts to go before I blog my 100th blog. We have some matching items which is cool. Your’s are more in depth and mine are silly like, ‘I have brown hair’. Which is kind of like we are…you are in depth and I am kind of silly. I like reading about you.

  • Erin Says:

    Loved this. Although #44 made my stomach churn.

  • **tif** Says:

    I have seen a lot of these posts and yours is my most favorite by far! Thanks for being real and honest. I admire so much about you which I know is strange since I only know blog Makayla but I still do. It’s nice to know that we have all had crap-shi- to overcome! And you’re doing quite marvelous darling! And anyway I love your blog and I love this post the end.

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