I love my life. I know I whine incessantly about it, but really I would not have it any other way.

Being married to a man who understands me and laughs at my stupid jokes is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Also, he lets me talk about my digestional triumphs and still thinks I am sexy. What could be any better?

Having a baby who only hates me half the time makes me swell with joy. Watching him learn, laugh, and grow is amazing to me. I love that he tells me where to stick it and in return I tell him to sit in time out. But I love that he has the guts to tell it like it is. Honesty, above all else, is so key to me.

I love my little house. I love living in a beautiful valley. I love friends who don’t criticize my inane personality.

Today I am thankful.

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