
Having a kid around can sure lead to horrible days. Ever since we returned from NY Gentry has been harder and harder to live with. He and I both cried so much today we eventually had to take pain killers to get rid of our respective headaches.

It all came to a head today when he was in time out (for not listening) and I had to sit and watch him to make sure he stayed. He screamed he hated me after I told him to turn around and sit in the corner. I went up stairs and called my mom and bawled, which resulted in sunscreen in my eyes. Hate and stinging eyes feels real good together.

He then came upstairs so that he could defy me some more and I had to make him stand with his nose on the wall for a while. He really didn’t like that. He was really mad at me then and I could not walk away or he would go and hide or find a toy to play with.

The problem we are having is that Gentry has no ears. They are gone. They have been gone for awhile. Last time we came home from a work trip, jj’s mom suggested we go and have his ears checked. We did. He is fine.

I was talking to a friend the other day whose son really is partially deaf. She said she knew something was up when he was talking and annunciating like the Swedish Chef. Gentry has been speaking like an adult since he was two years old. If he could not hear me he would not and could not have been speaking like he does. So thank you for the suggestion, but hearing and listening are two completely different things.

He will not listen. Ever. Ever. Ever. It leads to happy times and patients being worn by about 9:30 in the morning. Everyday. For the rest of my life it appears. I really wanted to pin a sign on him today that said, “Free, please take. Ears do not function properly.” Then putting him in front of Target in a kennel and hoping someone would take him. Ok. Not really. But sort of.

Frustrated. Frustration. Frustrated. It seems we have days full of temper tantrums and time outs to come. It makes me so frustrated just thinking and talking about it now.

Dearest interweb, do you know where his ears have gone?

10 Responses to “frustration”

  • Emilie Says:

    My 3 year old boy has misplaced his ears as well.

    Although, it seems that it’s more of an ON OFF situation. He can hear VERY well if the word ‘candy’ is even thought about. Now the word ‘clean’….yeah….not so much. UNLESS I follow it with the word candy. Even then it’s hit or miss.

    Most of the time he looks at me as if I was speaking in Mongolian. If Gentry finds his ears let me know so I can go and retrieve Beckham’s!

  • Annie Says: i don’t and I’m sorry he’s lost his ears. Perhaps they are under the bed?

    Maybe you should create some music play list for him with subliminal messages of joy and peace and “obey your mother”!

    And just play it all day long throughout the house.

    I suppose, flogging could work, too? 🙂

    If you want, you can bring him to my house and we can make him sick.

  • Anonymous Says:

    I think you are sooo sexy. Especially naked. I can see you.

  • amy Says:

    ok, this may be cruel but not really, get a doorknob handle on his door, on the inside of his door- one that he cant open- then when he makes a bad choice, just say ah oh, and take him to his room, when he stop crying/yelling, we open the door, we have done it twice adn now when we say ah oh, he stops what he is doing.

    I lvoe the book, Love and Logic for Toddlers. IT is the best!!!

  • amy Says:

    oh, I should, add sometimes we say, ah oh, and put him in his room, and say, do you want your door open or closed, … if he is awful I close it because I need that, but typically tyler will choose to have it open and he will stay in his room adn play quietly or stand by the door until we are both ready to see eah other again.

    That way, you dont have to make him sit on a chair for time out or face the corner, because it is HARD as you found out!

    good luck

  • Kakes Says:

    I sure hope that anonymous “naked” comment was left by JJ, or else…scary and yuck.

  • Harried Mom Says:

    Makayla, I too have read love and logic for Toddlers and have found it to be effective. I was lamenting to Brian last week that I needed to reread the book. If you’d like to borrow it for the next few days let me know.

    Also, I do like Annie’s subliminal suggestion I might have to try that one myself.- tiff

  • Amy Says:

    so it is me again, I have just been feeling bad all day, I really am not the greatest mom in the world, but anyhow, I feel kind of silly jumping on your blog and leaving all kids of helps…. Just know we have our impossible days too

  • .::still blinking::. Says:

    Amy I did not even think anything you said was bad or wrong. I appreciate your advice and knowing that other people have bad days. I have the book you and Tiffany suggested coming to me. So thank you.

  • Erin Says:

    I hope there is more than one copy of the Love and Logic book in the SLC library system – because I’ve got one copy checked out and I DO NOT want to give it up soon. 🙂 It’s great, so far, and I’ve had lots of positive recommendations about it, too. I’m trying to preempt the problem of lost ears over here, because even though I only have a not-even-two year old, I can already see the not-listening thing starting. Or at least VERY selective listening.

    I think you’re a great mom.

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