This is Lilly. She actually belongs here, and is my only niece, for now.

Now, I am not one to not like people. I think you all will agree with that. But babies, just really aren’t my thing. They don’t respond. They are super needy. They wake you up at inconvenient times. Toddlers on the other hand. They love you and tell you it. They follow you around and talk to you about their new discoveries. Lilly is now a toddler, I guess she has been for a while, I am just not around her to much. She likes me now, and how can I not love someone who loved me first. I guess that is how babies work.

She calls me Muh-Tee-Wuh and wants to be with me and sit on my lap and play with me. We went up to Logan to get Gentry on Sunday and she laughed and played with me. She ran around with Gentry and I. She has the cutest short little legs and they can get going so quickly.

Toddlers, they are my crowd.

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