
Photo from here.

I was out back talking to a neighbor this afternoon. Our kids were playing in the garage around the corner and suddenly started screaming like the neighborhood sex offender had just arrived and shared something special with them. We ran around the corner to see what was going on. They had been kicking ants and a surprising thing happened, the ants got mad and started fighting back. They were crawling up their legs and pinching like a good little ant army.

We pulled their pant legs up and quickly brushed the ants off, but the little girl Gentry was playing with was really upset. I went and got the ant poison and dumped a bunch down their hole. Bug poison always makes me think of Concentration Camps, the showers, my German art history class in college, memorials to all the Jews, I’d like to go there someday. I wonder how much houses are going for in Germany. I wonder if I could get water rights in Germany and live sustainably on a farm. Italy would be cool. When was the last time I checked for houses/farms for sale there. Oh, last night. Along with Bali. Where you could live on a tropical island for the same price as living here. Although would they let a guy who looks like he is part of Irish Mafia and his wife and child in? Not sure.

Back to the subject. I remember one time when I was little, lying on my Grandma Katherine’s floor. I was just lazying about as most 8ish year olds do when I felt a pinch on my leg. I looked down and there was a biggish ant that had just bit me, the little bastard. Those hurt. So I guess having ants in your pants is not the best possible activity for a nice spring day.

Also, the first time I saw this exact photo I dreamed about the ant that night. I dreamed it had burrowed into my skin and I could see it crawling around. You can click on the link and see my comment from 12 months ago. Frightening.

One Response to “ants.”

  • Natalie Says:

    I think that we should move to some European farm together. I’m sick of this joint.

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