christmas time in the city

I have not dared say this before, but it has been Christmas time at my house for a week. I had to get the tree up and I am so happy I did. You all should come and see. I will great you with warm wassail and ginger cookies.

I love Christmas. Not the gift giving, or the stressing about what to get people. But the spirit it brings. I look forward to it all year, and my house feels so much more cozy with a tree up in it. Like it was built for Christmas trees and fun memories to be had.

My mom has been giving me Christmas decorations since I was a little girl. My grandma Katherine used to as well. She has been gone 13 years. I remember her Christmas tree from when I was a child. They always fastened it to the wall with fishing wire so the grandkids would not tip it over. She also had iconic 50s decorations. I wish I had one to hang on my tree. There were the plastic tear drops with winter and religious scenes. I also remember my Aunt Adele’s tree. She used to have the candles with the bubbling liquid, such iconic old school decorations. I would love to have that kind of thing on my tree to remind me of my childhood. As it is, I have the things that people have given me. Ruby slippers. A little porcelain doll. And I have started my own collection of ornaments. I buy one every year to remind us of the year. This year is the year of Spiderman, and I found one that I will proudly display it from now until Gentry wants it for his tree.

2 Responses to “christmas time in the city”

  • Harried Mom Says:

    The kids and I hope to make the rounds next week and see your tree. I can’t wait to check out that Spiderman Ornament. I’m hoping that Brian and I can take the kids tomorrow to pick out an ornament for our tree as well.

  • Kakes Says:

    I like that idea of buying an ornament every year. That is really cute. I may just adopt your tradition…..

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