Nakedness + Zits

Ever since the break, I have felt a little off. Kind of like that dream where at school everyone is looking at you, and you realize in horror that you forgot to wear clothes that day. So you try to cover up with your college ruled notebook, but that really only covers so much.

It has finally come to a head today and I am ready to get rid of the unnecessary parts of my life that are frustrating me. Or shall we say, I have decided nakedness never was happiness (sometimes). Really, there is only one part that is making me crazy, but it is starting to suck up all my free thoughts, energy and time. So I have asked for a change. I don’t know if it will happen. But I want it to.

I really need the change, I get sick once a week on a certain day because of the low level stress that accompanies it. It is my bodies way of telling me I need less of this right now. I will be sad to let this part of my life go, but hopefully better things await.

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