Dang It.

Can I just tell you how filthy my house has become since the break happened?

It is filthy.

I realize I am capable of cleaning, even with a cast. But because everything is so much harder and there is the threat of getting cleaning substance permanently stuck in my cast I just don’t do it. And now there is ring around the toilet bowl and waist high weeds. I have stayed mostly caught up on the laundry and ironing, it just takes about half a day longer. And that eats into my energy and will to keep other things going.

And the spots on the carpet. I need to scrub those, or get wood floor put in. And the poor kitchen. Spots everywhere. On the stove. On the floor. On the mirrors. Greasy finger prints on every surface. And stacks to be sorted everywhere you look.

I could sure use a housekeeper. In a thong. Very tan, preferably. With an accent. Not southern.

4 Responses to “Dang It.”

  • Annie Says:

    I don’t meet any of your housekeeper requirements, but I would be more than happy to make you a trade. You sit on the floor and entertain my baby and I’ll come over with my swiffer and go to town!


  • Annie Says:

    I guess I could wear a thong, but that would probably make you throw up.

  • .::still blinking::. Says:

    Annie, you are hilarious. I am going to try to get caught up tomorrow on the basics. If it does not happen, I will enlist your help.


  • nat.alie Says:

    Don’t worry. My arm’s not broken and I have all of the same things going on in my house.

    At least you have a good excuse.

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