White Tiger, Spider Monkeys and Sloths

I have been sick all week. Gentry seems to be better and I cannot seem to get over the sore throat and the other optional side syndromes that I peddle trough daily.

Because of this I have not seen the new baby, and I probably won’t for a while. I am not that mother, the one who drops her sick kids off at your house and peels out of the drive way mumbling, “See ya suckas! My day is ruled by the almighty dollar and not the health and well being of you or my children.” I am not opposed to women working who have children. That is your business. However, if I am recovering from your business for the next week to week and half, I might turn on you. Like the white tiger on Roy. I will be all over you like a spider monkey.

Because I am a whore for time to myself, I sent jj and Gentry to the museum. I am now deciding what to do with the day; take some medicine and clean or lay in the bed like a sloth and let moss grow on my unmoving body, eventually blending in with the bed. Both options having their upsides. The cleaning being that I am always loosing hair, if I was a chia pet you would find little spouts of plants all over the house including on top of the fridge, wrapped between your toes, and in balls that resemble spiders in your socks. I need to start vacuuming more and getting rid of the massive amounts of hair that have almost formed a net over the doors making it impossible to get out of the house. Becoming one with the sloth, I think it is obvious why I would want to do that.

I do vacuum, every Saturday. How this hair has taken over I do not know. But it is gross in a way beyond gross kind of way.

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