Tough Parenting

The guys that I work with at tradeshows for Control4 know that I get post-partum depression. They know that I love my little boy, but when they ask if I miss him and I say things like, “No.” They say things back like I guess that the post-partum never really left your system.

The thing is, Gentry is not supposed to be at tradeshows with me. If he were I would probably miss him. However, if I were home alone for seven days, I am sure that I would go crazy with worry and not know what to do with myself. I also know that he is being taken care of. I know that jj’s parents love him and I do not worry about him while he is with them. I worry more about leaving him with a 15-year old who may not follow the directions and put him in bed at 10 rather then 8, which is bedtime. Then the next day I will have to deal with Prince Angry Pants, and he will let me know he is the king and I am the lowly stable maid.

And then there is this from Finslippy. It is amazing how you can love a little person so much, but it is like you are tied together and wish for a few moments for yourself. I need the moments to myself to reflect and think about my parenting. While in the thick of being beaten in the thigh with a thick wooden spoon, it is hard to be a smart, clear thinking adult. I need the moments away from him to breath. To remember I do not love Buzz Lightyear and that Pepperidge Farm Fish are not my favorite food. I need the moments away to remind me that there is a me.

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