Another year, the same goals

It has been a good year. I am humbled by all that we have. We have worked hard this year and I feel like we have been blessed in so many ways. I am thankful to our families and friends and all that they do for us.

Here are last years resolutions.

Here is how thing went.

1. I did not run the Blacksmith Fork Freedom Run. I did run the Step Rock Run in Herriman City. I am very proud of it. Since then I have worked out about 5-6 times a week. I am very proud of that.

2. I have not yet figured out the budget, I am reading a book called The Automatic Millionaire and have made several steps toward being world travelers when we retire. Hopefully we pull it together and make it happen. It is all about paying yourself first. This year we started an IRA for jj and we are going to start contributing more to it soon. We have figured out all the debt and are working on getting a good handle on it. I have been also using coupons and cutting out all the things that we don’t need like $6.00 per gallon milk. It is the small stuff that makes the difference. I am the proud of the progress that I have made this past year.

3. I am still working on being organized. I have gotten rid of tons of stuff. We even started selling stuff on Ebay just to see if we could make some money doing that and suprise, suprise, we can. I made about $50.00 last week selling stuff that we never use or don’t like. It is quite a bit of work for that little bit of money, but if I had just given it to DI I would not have that money. Now I am going through the house with a fine tooth comb seeing what I can sell and just get out of here. I have also come up with a cleaning schedule that I try pretty hard to stick to. It has helped a ton in getting things done and knowing what to do. I also add some other cleaning activity to everyday. Some small like clean out the silver wear tray, some large like clean all the windows. It just depends on the day and my mood.

4. Get good at the piano. This one fell to the wayside. I want to do this, but I need to find a place in the day the squeeze it in. We will see.

5. Be able to tell people to go to Hell! I didn’t learn how to do this. My councelor said that this is agressive behaviour and it is not the best way to be. So I am working on just being positive and honest, it is a better way to be.

I am proud of the progress that I made this year. There are a few other things that I want to work on with the business and really getting ourselves in a good financial state.

I am going to keep working on these, I am excited for the progress that we will make this year.

Also, there is the part of my life that I am dreading that is coming up rather to quickly. POTTY TRAINING! Egads. I am so frightened. But we are going to start trying it soon. I just need to finish and start the book that a friend recommended. I hope no one dies in the process. By the way the potty training is for the kid, not me, in case you were wondering.

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