Spandex Cave Women

I have about 5 usernames and 5 passwords that I use for all my accounts. I hate when I cannot remember which combination goes where and it takes me 10 minutes to log into anything.

I got a new swim suit today, because when it is 12 degrees outside, isn’t that what you do. It is from Modbe, a “modest” clothing company. They were having a warehouse sale today, so I headed to Orem the modest capital of the world and wandered through their sales, along with every other BYU co-ed in town. It was slightly crazy, and the staff said that things had actually calmed down, egad. Anyway, the swimsuit is a reflection on cave women with a hint of floral panties. Cute you are thinking, I know it. Here is a picture of someone else in it.

I am really excited to wear it. Well, actually I am wearing it right now with my gingerbread man socks to keep me warm. But I am excited for the summer, so that I can wear it with Gentry to the splash pool.

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