Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps

Mere minutes before Christmas and here I am worrying about everything else I need to get done. jj has not been going to bed before one this entire week, he is taking tomorrow off to go grocery shopping with us and do some more work for clients. He likes shopping with us and I like trading off wiping small noses. We are also going to The Forgotten Carols. He designed a program for it and we got free tickets for which we are very grateful. In this program we put an add for our business Makayla Christine Designs. However, I have no business cards or even a website for this and so when I tell people what I do and try to promote myself, I am sure they think, “what the?” Like I am going to trust some girl with no taste and a snotty nosed child on her hip. I might as well be the chicken farmer down the street, which actually could have some pretty great photo opportunities. Since I don’t take pictures of people all posed and you cannot get chickens to smile, they would be the perfect subjects.

So the event is tomorrow and I am going to get something put up tonight. What you ask? I really have not the foggiest. I mean it would be great to get a real website up, but I don’t think I can pull that off in 7.46 seconds. But I am inspired to get something done and even actually print business cards, but you have no idea how daunting a task that is either because really the possibilities are endless.

Do you want to know the website when I get a place holder put in it?

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