You’re my cup of tea

Place an X by all the things you’ve done, or remove the X from the ones you have not.

(O) Smoked a cigarette (but used to dream about it all the time, I really like the smell)
(O) Drank so much you threw up
(O) Crashed a friend’s car
(X) Stolen a car (More like borrowed without asking)
(X) Been in love
(X) Been dumped
(0) Shoplifted candy
(X) Been laid off (more like forced out of job for my sanities sake)
(X) Quit your job (same as above)
(X) Been in a fist fight (with my dad)
(O) Snuck out of your parent’s house
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
(0) Been arrested
(X) Gone on a blind date
(X) Lied to a friend
(X) Skipped school
(O) Seen someone die
(0) Been to Canada
(X) Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
(0) Been on the opposite side of the country
(0) Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) felt like dying
(0) Cried yourself to sleep
(0) Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
(X) Sang karaoke
(0) Paid for a meal with only coins (but I did a movie once)
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t
(X) Made prank phone calls
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(0) Danced in the rain
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(0) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(O) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(X) Blown bubbles
(O) Made a bonfire on the beach
(X) Gone roller-skating (when I was a kid all I wore in the summer was a swim suit and roller skates
(X) Ice-skating

Any nicknames? Kayla, Mom
What is your favorite drink? Diet Coke, all the flavor, none of the guilt.
How much do you love your job? Which job?
What day is it? Tuesday, library and ironing day.
Home? Where my family is.
Favorite vacation spot? Rome. I have never actually been there, but I am planning it.
Ever steal any traffic signs? No.
Ever been in a car accident? Yes
2 Door or 4 Door? 4 door
Salad dressing? Blue Cheese
Favorite number? 14
Favorite holiday? I really don’t know.
Favorite food? Sushi, and my favorite resteraunt ever closed in September.
Favorite day of the week? Saturday
Favorite smell? Clean baby
What do you do to relax? Bath and read.
How do you see yourself in 10 years? In Japan celebrating 15 years of marriage.
What do you enjoy receiving? Packages in the mail. Sincere compliments. Bags of brown sugar. Dinner invitations.

2 Responses to “You’re my cup of tea”

  • Annie Says:

    do you guys want to come over for dinner? I can check with ross and make it happen. Also, I could make a cake with homemade caramel frosting. In the icing are, count them, 2 cups of brown sugar. My sister and I used to eat the sweet substance in measuring cups at my grandma’s house when we were little. yum!

  • .::still blinking::. Says:

    Sure, when do you want us to come and what would you like us to bring? I make really good rolls.

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