I am home from my trip.

I have felt sick since we got out of the ocean yesterday at five. We went snorkeling and I got out and was so hungry I felt pregnant. Pregnant hungry is an entirely different animal than not pregnant hungry. Do you know what I mean? I have felt like that ever since. When our plane landed in Salt Lake I was seriously pondering throwing up. And for some reason we were stuck in the air because one of the run ways was not being used. So we were just circling in what they called a holding bin. I kept praying, please help me not throw up on the plane. Please let me make it to the airport bathroom. I still feel this way and I cannot get myself to eat anything except Pero and M&Ms. jj is probably getting sick of me whining about my current state of upset stomach.

You know another thing that is sick. As I typed upset stomach, I thought of all those commercials where they have songs and dances for upset stomachs and diarrhea. Those are really kind of perverse, and I would know. Obviously. But it seems to me you would just say it and not come up with some catching jingle about it.

For instance. I cannot remember what the medicine is or what it is used for, but a while ago I needed it because I remembered the symptoms that it treated and that it talked about aisle five. And that is all that I could remember. Aisle five. That did not help me at all. Aisle five. What the heck could it be? I don’t remember. So I just found something that said it would work for my symptoms and left. It seems if they wanted you to remember what the medicine was they would say the symptoms and the name of the medicine a lot.

And then there is the stuff like Cialis. For erectile disfunction. With side effects of, well, you have heard the commericals. I don’t know of any guy that would go to the doctor for that side effect. It seems more likely that they would use it as a weapon of mass distruction.

jj just informed me that Sudafed is on Aisle Five. And also they have commercials for all these medicines with five minute long lists of side effects. I think that I would rather deal with the problem than have the side effects. And the longer they list the side effects the longer you are thinking, are you kidding me? This is supposed to help me feel better.

And the reason I am thinking medicine is because I could really use something to calm my stomach. And I might even take bleeding from the eyes as a side effect.

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